
The following predefined macros and constants are available in your scripts:

Name Description
DEBUG Defined if the game is being compiled in debug mode, not defined otherwise
UNICODE Defined if the game is being saved in Unicode text format.
SCRIPT_API_vXXX Defined if corresponding version of script API is enabled (see the list)
SCRIPT_COMPAT_vXXX Defined if certain compatibility level is enabled (see the list)
STRICT Defined if "Enforce Object Based Scripting" is enabled, not defined otherwise
STRICT_STRINGS Defined if "Enforce new-style strings" is enabled, not defined otherwise
STRICT_AUDIO Defined if "Enforce new-style audio scripting" is enabled, not defined otherwise
LRPRECEDENCE Defined if "Left-to-right operator precedence" is enabled, not defined otherwise
AGS_NEW_STRINGS Defined if AGS 2.71 or later (with new-String support), not defined otherwise
NEW_DIALOGOPTS_API Defined if "Use old-style dialog options rendering API" is disabled
NEW_KEYINPUT_API Defined if "Use old-style key handling" is disabled
AGS_SUPPORTS_IFVER Defined if AGS 2.72 or later (with #ifver support), not defined otherwise
AGS_MAX_INV_ITEMS The maximum number of inventory items
AGS_MAX_OBJECTS The maximum objects per room
AGS_MAX_HOTSPOTS The maximum hotspots per room
AGS_MAX_REGIONS The maximum regions per room
MAX_LISTBOX_SAVED_GAMES Limit of save files filled into ListBox when using FillSaveGameList
PALETTE_SIZE Size of game palette, for 256-color mode
SCR_NO_VALUE Used as a parameter by some functions to specify "no value" or "use default value"

You can check for whether a macro is defined or not by using the #ifdef and #ifndef keywords:

#ifndef STRICT
// only compile the MoveCharacter command if not using object-based scripting
MoveCharacter(EGO, 30, 40);
#ifdef DEBUG
// only display this when the game is compiled in debug mode
Display("Debugging information");

There is also an #error directive you can use to stop the script compiling:

#error This script requires at least AGS 2.71

If you'd like to know if a new API is available, test for the corresponding SCRIPT_API_vXXX constant:

#ifdef SCRIPT_API_v360
// can use new code added in 3.6.0

If on contrary you need to know if a deprecated API is enabled, test for the corresponding SCRIPT_COMPAT_vXXX constant:

#ifdef SCRIPT_COMPAT_v320
// can use old code, deprecated after 3.2.0

The other constants AGS_MAX_* are useful if you are writing some script code that you want to be portable to different versions of AGS, and to pick up the limits from the user's AGS version. For example, if you wanted to store some extra information on all the inventory items, you could do:

int invWeights[AGS_MAX_INV_ITEMS];

To get the actual number of things in the game rather than the AGS limit, use the Game.CharacterCount-style properties.

Script API levels

Following is the list of supported values for SCRIPT_API_vXXX and SCRIPT_COMPAT_vXXX. Normally they are called after the main 3-digit version (e.g. SCRIPT_API_v350), but some refer to a later update (e.g. SCRIPT_API_v3507). Some versions of AGS do not have any distinct API level, because there were no additions or changes to script API in them.

API version API level Compatibility level
3.5.0 Alpha SCRIPT_API_v350 SCRIPT_COMPAT_v350
3.5.0 Final SCRIPT_API_v3507 SCRIPT_COMPAT_v3507
3.6.0 Alpha SCRIPT_API_v360 SCRIPT_COMPAT_v360
3.6.0 Final SCRIPT_API_v36026 SCRIPT_COMPAT_v36026